How to Take Piracetam Powder for Optimal Performance

Piracetam has been widely used, since the 1970s, as a leading smart drug; not only to help improve memory retention, but also cognitive abilities and functions. It has helped individuals suffering from a number of ailments; from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, to Dyslexia and Dementia, it can provide the beneficial properties, to help you regain what you thought you have lost.

Numerous studies have shown the product helps counter deterioration of memory, helps individuals who face mental challenges, and assists with the improvement of cognitive abilities.

The nootropic helps enhance the memory components of the right brain, which is the emotional and intellectual side; in essence, it makes overall thinking and memory retention easier, by completing your brain power, via enhancing the right side of the brain.

One of the most beneficial features of Piracetam, is the fact that it is non addictive; you are not going to grow dependent of the product, and will be able to use it only when you choose, to help you with overall functionality in your life.

Not only will the smart drug help you on your feet, it will help give you back the same functionality that you had in your younger age as well.

Whether you are suffering from memory loss due to older age, mental condition, or whether you have always had problems remembering things (since a young age), you no longer have to suffer. With the right memory enhancement features, this smart drug will provide you the components you have been lacking for years, and help you remember things you never imagined to be possible in the past.


Piracetam is a nootropic (smart drug), that can help you get back what you had lost years ago. No longer do you have to worry about forgetting dates or important information; this miracle supplement will help you keep track of, and stay on top of things you were having difficulties with in the past.

Some of the benefits you will realize include: the enhanced cognitive abilities, and the ease of staying on track and focused on subjects. You will also find it fights aging memory loss, and counters the effects alcohol has on our system. It is easily assimilated, so you will realize the effects right away, and it is non addictive, so you will not become dependent.

Additionally, it will help you feel more alive and keep you active if you have become sedentary in your lifestyle. It will also help to fight the effects aging has on the brain, and on your cognitive abilities in general.

If you find it hard to remember trivial, everyday things, or if you constantly have to be reminded of things, Piracetam can help you, and help you get back some of the memory that you have lost over the years. Regardless of your age, or mental awareness levels, this smart drug can help you get, and stay focused. With several beneficial ingredients, and with the best memory enhancement features, you will not only find that your memory is greatly improved immediately upon use, you will find that your memory is better than before.

Arguably the most famous of all the nootropics, Piracetam is a potent nootropic drug which enhances cognitive abilities and memory recall. In addition to its common use as a cognitive enhancer it is also used in stroke recovery, in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and also in the treatment of Down Syndrome and Dyslexia.

Piracetam was synthesised in 1964 by Belgian pharmaceutical company UCB. The lead scientist on the team was a man called Dr Corneliu E Giurgea who coined the famous phrase ‘nootropic’. Today Piracetam is sold under various brand names including Nootropil, Qropi, Myocalm and Dinagen.

The Best Uses of Piracetam

People who suffer from a movement disorder called the cortical myoclonus take piracetam along with the other medicines. Piracetam helps control the jerky leg and arm muscle movements. However, many people do not use this medicine to treat any disease. They use it to help them boost concentration and improve learning even at high doses.

This is why piracetam is also known as a smart drug, and students love it. According to users, piracetam helps their brain stay awake longer and process and store more information than normal.

Piracetam has been very popular since the 1960s. It has impressive effects when used as a treatment for cognitive disorders. Piracetam has also been used as detoxifying agent for alcoholics. It helps enhance the oxygen supply to the brain that is often a problem with alcohol intoxication.

Research also found that piracetam can enhance metabolism. This means there’s evidence that it can help improve athletic performance with the help of its hypoxia-preventing action. Moreover, piracetam also helps protect the cardiovascular system. It facilitates efficient oxygen supply to the brain and nerves. With this, it is believed to help cure health conditions that result from insufficiency like Raynaud’s disease and Atherosclerosis.

Because of its hypoxia-preventing capabilities, piracetam can be used as a part of a treatment regimen for post-stroke patients and long-term care for coagulation and clotting problems including Deep Vein Thrmobosis. Furthermore, piracetam has also been tried in patients who experienced sudden hearing loss and deafness.

It was found that it can actually help them regain their hearing. People with attention deficit disorder also benefited from taking this nootropic. Despite all of this medical usage of piracetam, the claim that it can boost cognitive ability remains in question.

Effects of Piracetam

The effects of Piracetam include:

  • Enhanced cognitive abilities
  • Enhanced memory recall
  • Slowed brain aging

How Piracetam Works

Piracetam is thought to work in several different ways. Mechanisms of action include:

  • Increased brain blood flow
  • Increased oxygen usage by the brain
  • Improved function of neurotransmitters, specifically acetylcholine
  • Increased synthesis of cytochrome b5
  • Increased mitochondrial permeability
  • May effect NDMA glutamate receptors

Whilst many of its mechanisms of action are indecipherable to the average layperson, it is certain that Piracteam has a widespread effect on the human brain and is capable of optimizing many functions associated with cognition and memory.

Is Piracetam Safe For Children?

Piracetam has very lox toxicity, which makes it safe for both adults and children. It is quite often prescribed to children who suffer from dyslexia. Children with dyslexia are aided by its effects which include optimization of ion channels and carriers which result in greater cross hemisphere communication.

Some sources claim that Piracetam may cause liver troubles in children under the age of 16. Parents should therefore consult with their medical practitioner before treating their children with this drug.

How Is Piracetam Taken?

Piracetam is available in tablet, capsule and powdered form.

Piracetam Dosage

The average reccommended dosage of Piracetam for adults is between 1.6 to 9.6 grams daily. Children’s dosages should be decided upon in conjunction with a medical professional.

Piracetam dosages can vary widely depending on what the person taking it wants to achieve. Bodybuilders who take it before going to the gym may take as much as 1200 milligrams to get a large amount as once. On the other hand, students who are studying for long periods of time may want to try spacing it out and taking 400 milligram doses. While people cannot overdose on piracetam, there is such a thing as overdoing it. However, this depends on the person taking it and their tolerance.

Before anyone starts taking piracetam, they should seek doctor’s advice. There are some individuals that may not be allowed to take this medicine. This is especially true with the following groups of people.

  • Individuals who have a history of allergies to medication.
  • Individuals who are taking other treatment medications.
  • Individuals with liver and kidney problems.
  • Individuals who have a movement disorder called Huntington’s chorea.
  • Individuals who had a brain hemorrhage.
  • Individuals who have had recent surgery or experienced unusual bleeding.
  • Individuals who have blood clotting conditions.
  • Individuals who are breastfeeding, pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

People who are taking piracetam to treat vasospastic, clotting and coagulation problems including deep vein thrombosis and Raynaud’s and deep-vein thrombosis generally take 4.8 to 9.6 grams of piracetam on a daily basis divided into three doses at 8-hour intervals. Some people take more in an attempt to improve their cognitive skills.

Piracetam is a water-soluble medicine. With this, it does not stay long inside the body and goes out with the urine. In addition, it does not have to be taken along with food. Before taking the piracetam, individuals have to do the following.

  • Read the labels carefully first before taking the medicine. The list also includes the right piracetam dosage and its side effects.
  • Piracetam should be taken exactly as the doctor approves. Generally, it starts with nine tablets on a daily basis that are divided into three doses in the morning, noon and in the evening. The doctor may increase the dosage over the first few weeks.
  • Piracetam has a bitter taste. Breaking and chewing the tablet is a bad idea. The best thing to do is swallow the tablet whole with water. Piracetam may be taken in liquid form that may be suitable for those who can’t tolerate the tablet.
  • After taking liquid piracetam, follow it up with a glass of water or juice to get rid of the bitter taste. However, it should not be mixed with any other liquid.
  • To make sure that the right regimen is followed, individuals must take each dose at the same time every day. Doing so allows individuals to easily remember every dose. Before or after meals is the best time to do it.
  • If a dose is missed, take it right away or as soon as it is remembered. The same schedule should still be followed with the next dose

Piracetam Side Effects

Piracetam side effects vary depending on the user’s body response to the medication. While many studies say that piracetam does not cause overdosage as it can be excreted through urine, others say that it can lead to serious problems in blood flow. This is especially true to patients who use the medication to treat blood disorders.

The piracetam brand Neuro-Boost claims that there have been no medically recorded side effects associated with the medication. There have only been a few documented cases of patients experiencing insomnia and headache. Experts say that it is best to use Piracetam with other medications, but it should be approved by the doctor.

This may include choline. Studies say that piracetam and choline work synergistically to facilitate smooth neurotransmitter flow as choline helps restore the lost neurotransmitters. It is also seen that choline helps reduce piracetam’s side effects.

Users should also bear in mind that piracetam has to be stored and kept well. It should be protected from direct heat and light in places that children can’t reach. Moreover, users must not share the medication with others. Anyone who wants to use piracetam should seek doctor’s advice and approval before taking it. They should also not take more than the prescribed dose.

Piracetam is generally regarded to be a safe drug with few side effects. However some people may experience mild side effects when taking Piracetam. These side effects can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Irritableness
  • Headaches
  • Tremors

Is Piracetam An Effective Drug For Treating Schitzophrenia?

Piracetam will have the same cognitive enhancing effects on schitzophrenics as those who do not suffer from scitzophrenia, however it has not been shown to affect the schtizophrenic condition itself.

Is Piracetam An Effective Drug For Treating Alzheimer’s?

Yes, Piracetam has been shown to improve cognition in people who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s, as well as those suffering other forms of senile dementia.

Is Piracetam An Effective Drug For Treating Alcoholism?

Piracetam has been shown to aid in the treatment of alcoholim. It reduces levels of lipofuscin (a yellow ‘wear and tear’ pigment’ often found in the brain and other organs of elderly people or alcoholics), which is a common sign of alcoholism.

Prediet Plan Editorial

Prediet Plan Editorial

Patrick Kihara is a weight loss enthusiast and fitness blogger. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication and Journalism and several health and fitness certifications.

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