College student stress statistics paint a picture of anxiety with the competing activities of those at university playing on the minds of individuals across the world.
Perhaps it seems patently obvious to most why college is a stressful time for an individual; there are worries about classes and the work itself, exams which constantly seem to be around the corner, money problems and the necessity to budget, the stress of being away from home for potentially the first time, and relationship stress.
In this article concerning college student stress statistics we intend to unravel some of the sources of stress that individuals are experiencing.
* Classes and Exams
A situation causing high levels of stress is a lack of an ability to understand a passage of text, a mathematical formula or an academic concept to a sufficient extent. This will frustrate a student and fill minds with thoughts of failure relative to that of their peers.
* Work overload
Another situation causing high levels of college student stress is that caused by work overload. A student may feel they simply don’t have enough hours in the day to do their work justice and to complete it to a sufficient standard.
This creates a negative cycle effect because the student will stay awake and become sleep deprived adding to the feelings of stress.
Exams are a stressful time for many students. While some thrive on the opportunity to display their majesty over a subject others will dread it and experience brain freeze and not be able to perform well in an assessment. These students must learn better coping mechanisms to deal with stressful situations such as power napping or taking brisk walks.
* Jobs and Money
Students have to be able to financially support themselves during their degree studies with the rising cost of tuition in many countries. With this comes a pressure to earn money whilst at university, especially those students from a more economically disadvantaged background.
The pressure of earning money with the incentive to continue their college studies can be a massive source of college student stress which can be at the detriment to their learning.
* Career Prospects
So, the studying is over. What next?
That’s right; you’ve got to find a job. The potential for stress and anxiety inducing situations just doesn’t end!
With horror stories of an overload of college educated individuals, an individual may wonder what the point is when after graduating they can’t find a job for months on end.
The best combatant to college student stress in these situations is the realization you aren’t alone. There are thousands in your position and you must take solace from this fact.
Well, fear not! Whilst college student stress statistics may paint a grim picture of college life, don’t freak out.
- Student services or unions will undoubtedly have a counselling service or be able to provide details for you to get in contact with somebody relevant.
- At the very least, book some time with your personal tutor and tell him your worries. They’ve experienced thousands of students in their careers – you’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last stressed student they talk to.
- Another great way of letting off steam is talking to your friends. The chances are they are in a very similar situation and are juggling the demands of college life. They might very well be able to offer you that stress relieving tip that works a dream for you as well.
- And remember, college is about having fun too. Chill out and don’t become part of the college student stress statistics!
Learning our 10 tips for preventing stress education in classroom is the best tool for any teacher, maybe perhaps children seem the most unlikely candidates to experience high levels of stress in their seemingly carefree day-to-day lives.
Compared to that of the high-flying businessman, or the busy housewife their troubles seem relatively trivial and unimportant.
However there is a growing quantity of children of school age who, alarmingly, are being taken to their doctors with stress related complaints caused to some extent by the stress of education in classroom.
Stress education in classroom can put undue strain on a developing body and can also set behavioral patterns for later life.
It is therefore vitally important that parents and guardians stay vigilant of their children’s mental health well being and take steps to avoid a child becoming unduly anxious about the stress of education in classroom.
Supplementary to advice given by a medical professional, below are ten tips for preventing the stress education in classroom which may help a child feel more relaxed and become more enthusiastic towards their studies.
1. Keep a diary
Encourage your child to keep a diary. In this they are likely to write about their day at school.
By writing down their thoughts a child will consolidate their feelings about the stress education in classroom and understand them better. This will provide them with a facility to develop better coping mechanisms.
2. Exercise
Not only is it healthy physically to exercise, but also it is healthy mentally to exercise. Having your child engage in physical activity for a period of twenty to thirty minutes per day will release endorphins, which is nature’s equivalent to Prozac.
3. Rest for a sufficient amount of time
Lack of sleep will act as a catalyst to increased anxiety and leave a child feeling irritable during the day which will enhance the stress education in classroom.
4. Take up a hobby
By channeling energy into a specific activity which a child gets a reward from they are distancing themselves from the stress education in classroom. A hobby provides a very effective method of relaxation.
5. Talk to your child about their feelings
By regularly talking to your child about their feelings you gain in insight into the state of their mental healthy well being and you can take action before a problem escalates into a source of stress.
6. Draw a line
Children are extremely enthusiastic individuals who are liable to bite off more than they can chew. Limit the number of activities they do in their free time to stop them from feeling overwhelmed.
7. Breathing
The simple act of breathing can distress a child to a great extent. This simple but effective technique simply entails getting a child to stop and breathe deeply and slowly for a brief period of time.
8. Play with friends
Some of a child’s most carefree times come when they socialise with their peers. Ensure a child has the opportunity to do this regularly.
9. Separate homework area from relaxation area
If a designated homework area for a child is in the same location as an area of relaxation the child will feel they are not escaping their schoolwork. By separating these areas in the home the stress education in classroom will be reduced.
10. Stay positive
If your own conduct is negative towards the classroom then a child will pick up on this and follow suit. Ensure your comments and opinions that you as a parent or guardian express are positive and encouraging.
Those simple 10 tips will surely show their advantages if practices regularly. Therefore, good luck folks!