
Please read our Medical Disclaimer and Earnings Disclaimer below:

Medical Disclaimer

All of the content on this website is exclusively for informational purposes only.

None of the content on predietplan.com (“Site”) has been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and supplements discussed on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, alleviate or prevent any diseases.

None of the content on this site is a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any condition. All articles on this site are the opinions of their respective authors who do not claim or profess to be medical professionals providing medical advice.

Any person who wishes to to make a change to their medication, supplement, or dietary regime should do so with direct guidance from a competent, licensed medical professional.

This site, though it does its absolute best to ensure that any information provided is up to date and scientifically accurate, does not guarantee that to be the case. Any reader is highly encouraged to do further independent research. Visit our References page to find sources relevant to the information provided on this site.

In no event will this site be liable or responsible for any damage that might arise, directly or indirectly, from the use of the information provided here.

Any person who chooses to apply any information found here does so entirely at his/her own risk. This site neither assumes any liability or responsibility from damages that may arise from the information provided by third party websites that are linked to here, or from the use of any supplements or products that are linked to from here. If these conditions are not agreeable to the reader, he/she is advised to leave this site immediately.

Earnings Disclaimer

We want to comply with the FTC Ruling for Bloggers, so we fully disclose that this site is supported by different affiliates for products discussed on this site. This site contains affiliate links, and if a product is purchased via an affiliate link, we earn a paid commission.

Required Amazon.com disclaimer: The owner of predietplan.com is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

We make a concerted effort to ensure that we link to what we feel are the highest quality products available from reputable sellers. We would never provide a link to a site that we would not purchase from ourselves. However, any reader on this site is strongly encouraged to independently research any individual product linked to from our site to determine if it is worthwhile to purchase from our affiliate link.

While we want to earn commissions for products we discuss, we also have the goal with our site to provide useful and helpful information that will enable you to learn more about the products and supplements we feel strongly about in order for you to make informed decisions about them.

Pre Diet Plan