Being pregnant comes with its excitement as well as several challenges. Therefore, you need to get prepared adequately. If you planning to make your first baby, this article is for you. Consequently, if you are already pregnant, this article will help you tick a few boxes in your must have list of best pregnancy books.
With thousands of pregnancy books available to choose from, you need honest reviews to make the best choice. Furthermore, why buy a book if you’ll never read past the second page? In addition, I’ll help you to get a book that you can always refer to even in your fourth pregnancy. Talk of super investments!
Topics covered by our choice of best pregnancy books
- Tips when trying to conceive.
- Nine months of being pregnant.
- Pregnancy for the baby daddy.
- Labor preparations and actual childbirth.
- Types of delivery.
- Nutrition information for you while pregnant and after birth.
- Exercises for you before and after you give birth.
- Taking care of newborn baby up to age two.
- Breastfeeding and going back to work.
- Weaning your baby and their nutrition after that.
- Medical care for your baby and their general well-being.
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Top Ten Best Pregnancy Books for you.
The Complete Guide
Written by Penny Simkin, this is my top best pregnancy book of all time. In addition to clear illustrations (Yes! She goes all the way to draw diagrams for you), Penny gives information with evidence.
It seems like being a midwife has given Penny an upper hand. Furthermore, this entire book gives you unbiased information! I hate authors who recommend particular practices just because they fall in their line of practice.
This book gives you information on what to expect during labor. Penny breaks them down into different stages of labor. In addition, you’ll find exercise tips for you when pregnant and great nutrition ideas. That makes losing weight after pregnancy manageable.
Finally, you get information on how to take care of your newborn baby. Isn’t this one of the best pregnancy books written? Oh did I mention that Penny also explains how your body changes during pregnancy? Yes, she does! In a fantastic yet clear way, from the time you conceive up to the time you deliver your bundle of joy
Aviva Jill Romm has chosen a different path. The natural way! It becomes our best pregnancy books choice because of its holistic approach. In addition to the usual information on fetal development and nutrition, this book gives herbal remedies to pregnancy complications.
Before you throw me that weird look, let me mention that Aviva is renowned herbalist in addition to being a midwife. She gives holistic remedies for situations such as morning sickness, stretch marks, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
IF you wish to go green with your bundle of joy, this is one of the best pregnancy books for you. Furthermore, you get to take care of yourself naturally. No side effects in addition to the best nutrients for your baby.
The Healthy Pregnancy
The Sears have written this book with a clearly visual notion; the fact that a woman’s body is meant to give birth. They emphasize on the fact that you can give birth naturally without any complications. It seems like they are determined to change your view of childbirth.
It is our choice of best pregnancy books because it gives you factual information. In addition, the book explains fetal development in a clear way. Finally, this book gives you excellent exercise and nutrition suggestions.
The only stone left un-turned is labor details and childbirth process. However, the Sears have covered these topics in their second book The Birth Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying Birth . This book is yet to be updated since 1997; therefore I would recommend it for basic knowledge only.
Back to our best pregnancy books review, the pregnancy book gives you straightforward information. No sugar coating! Consequently, it is one of the easiest books to read with very knowledgeable information on pregnancy.
The Thinking Woman
Just like the title suggests, this book challenges you to think before you make decisions. Written by Henci Goer, this choice of our best pregnancy books discusses childbirth methods in detail. From Caesarean sections, epidurals, natural birth name them.
Goer has been this information on research, probably before 2000: because the book was published in 1999. The author goes an extra mile to cite all his study and reference. That sure gives you confidence that the information provided is reliable.
Another plus in this book is that the author discusses myths surrounding childbirth. These are either medical as well as non-medical. That’s a sign of relief for you! I always believe that information is power. Finally, you can confidently decide on where and how to give birth.
Ina May’s Guide
Written by Ina May Gaskin, this book is more oriented to natural birth. While it is fun to read, it might not give you a complete knowledge on pregnancy.
As a midwife, Ina gives great birth stories in this book. However, for me, she is too biased on the natural birth process. Consequently, if you are planning on a natural delivery, this your choice of the best pregnancy books.
Guide to childbirth gives you proper insights on how to bear the pain naturally without medication. Also, Ina gives tips on how to create a conducive environment during delivery. It is in this book that you read about orgasmic delivery! Yeah, you read it right! Having an actual orgasm during childbirth is proven right by Ina May.
The book gives you moral support from the many personal stories from other moms. And a more positive approach to natural childbirth.
40 Weeks +
This book serves as your personal diary. It is adequately small to fit in your purse yet very comprehensive. This book is in our best pregnancy books due to its organizational structure. For me, it’s an exceptional checklist. Because of the short texts per week, you almost get everything ready effortlessly.
Unlike all our other favorite best pregnancy books, this one has picture sections. Finally, you have pages for post birth experiences. Feedings, diaper changes, growth and stuff like that. What an excellent gift for your baby when they grow up.
Written by Anni Daulter, this book will test your faith. While it is meant to be a guide, this book is an excellent journal. It falls under our best pregnancy books because of its courageous approach to bring back the sanity in childbirth
The book gives you a weekly guide. Consequently, you can relate to your body changes during your pregnancy. In addition to body changes, you get to understand your spiritual and emotional changes. Who doesn’t want to know why they get sudden emotional changes during pregnancy? One time you are happy and chit-chatting with baby daddy then suddenly you start cursing! Hilarious!
Finally, the book details your baby’s growth and is packed with incredible photos. It gives you a column to jot down your personal experiences as well. It seems like you have the perfect gift for your daughters. They will refer to it during their pregnancies.
It’s especially relevant to note that there are some rituals and practices in this book that might not work for you. Not to worry though, you’ll find other relevant information.
Written by professionals at the Mayo Clinic, this book is very organized with an easy to read language. The book gives information on pregnancy as well as childbirth. In addition to that, you get details on taking care of your newborn.
The pregnancy information illustrates weekly body changes in addition to your fetus development. Furthermore, you get information on what to expect each week both physically and emotionally. As a result, you enjoy a worry-free pregnancy journey.
Let me warn you that this book is quite long. While this is good because you get a page to read every day, you might not read cover to cover. However, if you are not able to read the entire book, you can always use it as a pregnancy dictionary.
This book by Kristen Michaelis isn’t strictly meant for pregnancy. However, it gives you reliable insights on proper nutrition. It is our choice of best pregnancy books because you get to understand how to take care of your baby. Consequently, you get to prepare in advance.
Another plus for this book is the insightful approach to conception. Kristen gives you foods that boost your fertility. How cool! In addition, you get advice on which foods to use to control morning sickness and fatigue during pregnancy.
Finally, you’ll find the type of nutrition that prevents diseases such as autism, allergies, asthma, and ear infections. These are meant to be eaten during pregnancy. In addition, Kristen gives advice on how to avoid Cesarean section and make your natural birth bearable. So now you understand how the book falls under our best pregnancy books.
To top that up, Kristie gives advice on food that increases breast milk. What a relief! And did I mention weaning 101? Now you get to know the how and when to wean your child. Excellent.
Oh did you think I would forget the baby daddy? Save me that one! Dads-to-be also go through a lot while you are pregnant. Research has proven that, so don’t doubt me!
This book is our choice of best pregnancy books because not only is the author a dad but he also speaks to them. Armin breaks down the information on a monthly basis. He has clearly organized and written this information in well visible manner. Dads-to-be get to follow your journey throughout your pregnancy.
Finally, the book informs dads to be on what to expect during labor. In addition, they get prepared for the possible emergencies to expect. The information is given in an extremely humorous way. Baby daddy will never freak out. We all know how important that is to a mother in labor right? Get him this book and save yourself the agony!
Top three postpartum Best Pregnancy Books Reviews

The Sears have yet again stood out in this category of best pregnancy books. The book is all about babies; from birth until the age of two years. It has exclusive information about taking care of your bundle of joy. How to diaper them, wash them, groom them, name them.
In addition, the Sears cover your baby milestones in a very detailed manner. Whether its speech, sitting, movement, walking or even running, you’ll find the details in this book.
Finally, the doctor is unleashed. He tackles common baby issues such as fever, flu, and colds. It also gives you in-depth knowledge of situations where you need to call the doctor. No more worries and second guessing, this book is information packed.
This book by Leche League International stands out in our best pregnancy books reviews. With more than fifty years of wisdom, Leche gives exclusive insights on breastfeeding. This book will remain relevant for a very long time. Therefore, it is worth investing.
The book details different scenarios such as breastfeeding newborns and children with special needs. In addition, it gives you insights on breastfeeding in special situations. For moms with special breast conditions, this book is for you. Also if you have milk supply problems, you might want to read this one.
Finally, the book details on the transition back to work after childbirth. Furthermore, which mom doesn’t want to continue nourishing their baby after resuming work? Leche gives very straightforward and practical lessons.
However, it seems like in this book Leche encourages moms to stay at home and take care of the children. They also discourage the use of medication during childbirth in addition to C-section! Is this practical in this century? I am not sure.
Valerie Lynn has stood out in this category of our best pregnancy books. In the few post-pregnancy books available, she tells it as it is. In addition to giving adequate diet information, she gives you realistic exercise tips after childbirth.
Lifestyle changes are also well detailed in this book. In addition to giving ideas for baby daddies on how to support you, Valerie promises you a smoother healing.
Most interesting best pregnancy books

This is the most interesting yet informative pregnancy relevant book ever. Just as the name suggests, this book is about non-alcoholic cocktails. You now get to take care of those wine cravings while pregnant.
In addition to giving you tasty recipes, the book breaks them down into pregnancy stages. Probably sounds hysterical but it’s quite realistic. During morning sickness stages, the recipes help you take care of the metallic aftertaste. Furthermore, some of the recipes help you control morning sickness.
The main ingredients are fruits. You blend them with additions such as honey, vegetables, and herbs. As a result, they are nutritious for you and also very healthy for your unborn baby. In addition, you find nutritional information together with each recipe.
Now you don’t have to feel left out while everyone in your company is clinging to their mojitos. It doesn’t get any better!
While the recommended books above are full of relevant information for you as a mom, you can add on to the list. These are my personal favorites. I hope they become yours too. Do you have a collection of your best pregnancy books? Which ones are they and how have they benefited you? Let us know.
For our international friends, here is a list of the best pregnancy books from Amazon in EU/UK for you to order.
Thanks for stopping.
As usual, Happy parenting!